Jerry Mander – Open Season Edition

Jerry Mander

The Counter-Resistance


Latest accusation

Rats smear management

Rats Kavanaugh allegationsRats resistance


Rats-Kavanaugh guilty conservative


Kavanaugh-Scales of Justice

Supreme Court Vacancy-bomb

Wouldn’t you know Soros is involved: Christine Blasey Ford with the most evil man in the U.S., George “I fund the Democrats” Soros:

Christine Blasey Ford-Soros

Kavanaugh's accuser

Rats whack-a-mole


Democrat Double-Standards On Display

Why isn’t this in the news? Oh, I forgot! Silly me! Ellison is a Democrat and a Muslim so he gets a pass. More proof, as if we needed it, that if it weren’t for double, Democrats would have no standards at all. Minnesota voters: are you paying attention?




Steven Hayward’s

The Week In Pictures – Justice Kavanaugh Edition

“Who knew that Flake could take flakery to a whole new level. This theme headline may seem premature, but I don’t think so. In fact, the FBI “investigation” now is unlikely to turn up anything. Meanwhile, another delay, during which Democrats will manufacture more phony allegations, and attempt to intimidate Senators because they think it worked yesterday on Flake, is more like to backfire. There is polling evidence that Republican voter enthusiasm has spiked significantly in the last week. The delay is aggravating, but in another sense we shouldn’t mind moving the final result one more week closer to the election, while giving Democrats one more week to display why they are unfit to govern. If I’m wrong about this, next week’s gallery will be the “Flake Edition.” Strap in and get a tall cup of coffee—today’s gallery is extra long, as befits the moment.”


Click >>HERE<<


Trump's wall


More News You Can Use:

Social Media Silicon packets



Leaving CA

And now, in closing:

Meeting Notice for Deplorable Dregs


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  1. I am just pissed off that the GOP did not take a vote the first day! Even I know that given enough time someone could have found the women Carter had sex with in his mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Leonard Dufresne 30/09/2018 — 03:16

    The pic with Soros tears it for me. All the adages apply: “Guilty by association.” , “You are a product of your environment.” , “Birds of a feather…”, etc., etc. etc. As for Soros: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist!”

    Liked by 1 person

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